Deep brain ultrasound stimulation : state of the art transcranial focusing and clinical applications
Prof. Jean-Francois AubryDone
Non-Invasive Remote EEG Monitoring at Home in Epilepsy: Insights from the EEG@HOME Study
Dr. Andrea BiondiDone
Neuroplastic effects of EEG neurofeedback
Dr. Tomas RosDone
Contribution of new methods for combined EEG/MEG source analysis and optimized mc-TES to focal medication-resistant epilepsy
Prof. Dr. Carsten WoltersDone
An Updated Perspective on the Use of EEG for Diagnosis, Prediction, and Treatment Individualization in Depression
Prof. Giorgio di LorenzoDone
MSc, Chief Executive Officer at CONECTIVA – The Brain Health Company., Daniel holds a degree in Economics, a Master of Science in European Community Law, and a Master of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy. He has extensive experience in business creation, market launching and operations’ consolidations, in many sectors: business consulting, digital marketing, neuroscience, and digital health. During the last six years he has been dedicated to the general and operations direction at BRAINVESTIGATIONS, and for the last three years, he has been focused on the spin-off CONECTIVA, an Innovative Digital Health BI owned company, where he is in charge of operations and legal representation.
Millions have Brain Diseases and most of them do not know it. Assessment on neurodegenerative pathologies and disorders today is based late, not easily accessible, and expensive medical techniques and non-objectified diagnoses. CONECTIVA is changing this to provide early therapy. We see the opportunity to help people worldwide with early diagnosis to improve their brain health through appropriate therapy, shifting paradigm to approach Brain Disorders. Starting with a typical EEG, we apply an in-house algorithm and, at low cost, we provide an objective diagnosis in less than 5 minutes (Neurofunctional Report).