Sponge EEG is equivalent regarding signal quality, but faster than routine EEG
Dr. med. Justus MarquetandDone
Transcranial magnetic stimulation - mapping, targeting, and computational modeling
Prof. Dr. Thomas R. KnöscheDone
Motor reorganization after stroke: From pathophysiology to treatment strategies
Caroline TscherpelDone
EEG based triage of stroke patients in the ambulance
Dr. Wouter PottersDone
Frontiers in Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: Clinical Applications and Future Directions
Surjo SoekadarDone
Sensory processing during sleep and dreams
Prof. Dr. Giulio BernardiDone
Neurobiological effect of psychedelics – from animal EEG research to the measurement of human inter-brain connectivity during Ayahuasca ceremony in indigenous setting.
Martin Brunovský, M.D., PhD.Done
Optically pumped magnetometers for neuroscience - disruptive or evolutionary?
Dr. Tilmann Sander-ThömmesDone
Assessment of single-trial evoked brain oscillations targeted by transcranial alternating current stimulation using optically-pumped magnetometry
Dr. Vincent JonanyDone
Transient events in single-trial EEG during photic driving
Hannes Oppermann, MScDone
Location: Room 101
11/3/23, 9:00 AM
11/3/23, 9:15 AM
(15 minutes)
Sebastian Carstens
Head of Marketing
at ANT Neuro
Head of Marketing
at ANT Neuro