Wednesday 09
10 tracks
9:00 AM |
Pierfilippo De Sanctis, PhD, Associate Professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
EEG and the Study of Neurodevelopment
Nathalie Maitre, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics in Neonatology at Emory School of Medicine
EEG and the Study of Neurodevelopment
10:00 AM | |
Heather L. Green, PhD, CCC-SLP, Research Scientist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
EEG and the Study of Neurodevelopment
11:00 AM |
12:00 PM | |
1:00 PM |
Hasan Ayaz, PhD, Associate Professor at Drexel University
EEG and the Study of Sensory Motor Processing
2:00 PM |
Marlene Behrmann, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology at University of Pittsburgh
EEG and the Study of Sensory Motor Processing
Keynote Speaker
3:00 PM | |
William Cuthbert, Sales Accounts Manager at ANT North America, Inc.
4:00 PM | |
5:00 PM |
Thursday 10
11 tracks
9:00 AM |
Bin He, PhD, Trustee Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
Emerging Applications of TMS
Keynote Speaker
10:00 AM |
John Medaglia, PhD, Associate Professor at Drexel University
Emerging Applications of TMS
Russell Toll, PhD, Assistant Professor at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Emerging Applications of TMS
11:00 AM | |
Roy H. Hamilton, MD, MS, Professor of Neurology at University of Pennsylvania
Emerging Applications of TMS
12:00 PM | |
1:00 PM |
Nicholas L. Balderston, PhD, Assistant Professor at University of Pennsylvania
Functional Imaging and TMS
Desmond J. Oathes, PhD, Associate Professor at University of Pennsylvania
Functional Imaging and TMS
2:00 PM |
Caley Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer at ANT Neuro Australia
Functional Imaging and TMS
3:00 PM | |
Caley Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer at ANT Neuro Australia
4:00 PM | |
5:00 PM |